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Communication with contractors 2025
The research was carried out on a sample of N=363 general construction companies and interior finishing works ones.
The report contains the following data:
Sources of information on building materials
- main sources of information on building materials (open-ended question)
Use of Internet resources
- frequency of Internet use
- the most frequently used device for browsing websites on the Internet
- use of industry-specific mobile applications
- industry portals use
- popularity of selected industry portals (monthly number of visits - desk resarch analysis)
- social media use
- YouTube use, including watching videos related to the performance of construction works
Other sources of information on building materials
- reading of trade press
- information on selected trade press titles (circulation / sales - desk research analysis)
- the most often listened to radio station
- cross-tables of variables by age and education of the respondent and company size (number of employees)
Architecture and construction in Polish social media 2024
The report includes data regarding coverage (number of fans / followers on Facebook and Instagram) of the most popular profiles dedicated to interior design, architecture and construction and the reach of construction and architecture channels on YouTube and Tik Tok.
In particular, the database of profiles and channels includes:
- 64 architectural websites present in social media
- 329 blogs about interior design and arrangement
- 99 construction websites present in social media
- 33 construction magazines present in social media
- 26 architectural magazines present in social media
- 219 Facebook groups concerning construction and architecture
- 105 architecture and construction YouTube channels
- 69 blogs and websites dedicated to garden design present in social media
- 31 Facebook groups concerning garden design
- 137 construction and interior design profiles on Tik Tok
- 28 profiles concerning garden design on Tik Tok
The report also contains information on the growth dynamics of the number of followers (comparative data 2020-2023).
Communication with roofers 2024
The report contains the following data:
- sources of information on building materials (open-ended question)
- spontaneously mentioned industry-related portals
- usage of selected industry portals (dachy.info.pl; dekarz.com.pl; e-dach.pl; fachowydekarz.pl)
- use of Facebook groups for professional purposes
- popularity of selected Facebook groups / profiles (number of members/observers – desk research analysis)
- use of YouTube for professional purposes
- cross tables of selected variables (in relation to age, education, experience, company size)
The research was conducted on a representative sample of N=266 roofers using the CATI telephone interview technique in January and February 2024.
Communication with architects 2024
The study was conducted on a representative sample of N=300 architects using the CATI telephone interview technique. The report also includes an analysis of secondary data (desk research) regarding the reach of architectural websites present in social media.
The report contains the following data:
• barriers to business development of architectural offices
• use of selected industry portals (archdaily.com; architekci.pl; architektura.info; architektura.muratorplus.pl; bryla.pl; infoarchitekta.pl; izbaarchitektow.pl; nowoczesnastodola.pl; propertydesign.pl; ronet.pl; sarp.org.pl; sztuka-architektury.pl)
• use of selected portals with CAD/BIM libraries (archispace.pl; bimobject.com; infoarchitekta.pl; archiup.com)
• reading of selected press titles (Architektura & Biznes; Architektura-Murator; Design Alive; Dobre Wnętrze; Inżynier Budownictwa; Label Magazine; WhiteMad; Zawód: Architekt)
• reach of 55 architectural websites in social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tik Tok)
The selected data includes a comparison with the results of previous architect surveys (2017, 2018 and 2020). The information in the report is also presented for members of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland and architects who are not members of the Polish Chamber of Architects. The report also includes cross-tables of the above data by gender, age of the architect and the size of the architectural office.
Architecture and construction in Polish social media 2023
The report includes data regarding coverage (number of fans / followers on Facebook and Instagram) of the most popular profiles dedicated to interior design, architecture and construction and the reach of construction and architecture channels on YouTube and Tik Tok.
In particular, the database of profiles and channels includes:
- 85 architectural websites present in social media
- 379 blogs about interior design and arrangement
- 100 construction websites present in social media
- 34 construction magazines present in social media
- 28 architectural magazines present in social media
- 205 Facebook groups concerning construction and architecture
- 115 architecture and construction YouTube channels
- 64 blogs and websites dedicated to garden design present in social media
- 31 Facebook groups concerning garden design
- New! 100 construction and interior design profiles on Tik Tok
The report also contains information on the growth dynamics of the number of followers (comparative data 2019-2022).
Communication with contractors 2022 – general construction companies
The research was carried out on a sample of n=240 general construction companies (doing erection works and finishing works).
The report contains the following data:
Sources of information on building materials
- main sources of information on building materials (open-ended question)
Use of Internet resources by general construction companies
- frequency of Internet use
- the most frequently used device for browsing websites on the Internet
- type of phone and use of industry-specific mobile applications
- industry portals use
- popularity of selected industry portals (monthly number of visits - desk resarch analysis)
- social media use
- YouTube use, including watching videos related to the performance of construction works
Other sources of information on building materials
- reading of trade press
- information on selected trade press titles (circulation / sales - desk research analysis)
- the most often listened to radio station
Architecture and construction in Polish social media 2022
The report includes data regarding coverage (number of fans / followers on Facebook and Instagram) of the most popular profiles dedicated to interior design, architecture and construction and the reach of construction and architecture channels on YouTube and Tik Tok.
In particular, the report includes:
375 blogs about interior design and arrangement
82 architectural websites present in social media
87 construction websites present in social media
34 construction magazines present in social media
28 architectural magazines present in social media
237 Facebook groups concerning construction and architecture
123 architecture and construction YouTube channels
69 blogs and websites dedicated to garden design present in social media
The report also contains information on the growth dynamics of the number of followers (comparative data 2018-2021).
Communication with installers of heating and plumbing installations 2021
The research was carried out on a sample of n=369 installation companies doing heating installations (96.5% of respondents) and/or plumbing (95.1%).
The report contains the following data:
Sources of information on installation materials
- basic sources of information on installation materials (open question, possibility of indicating 3 main sources)
Use of internet
- frequency of internet use for professional purposes
- the most often used device for browsing the Internet
- use of selected industry portals (regularly / occasionally - czasnahydraulika.pl; e-instalacje.pl; hvacr.pl; instalacjebudowlane.pl; ogrzewanie.info.pl; ogrzewnictwo.pl; wodkaneko.pl)
- use of industry groups on Facebook
- popularity of selected Facebook groups - desk research analysis (number of members June 2021)
- use of You Tube for professional purposes
Other sources of information on installation materials
- readership of selected trade press titles (regularly / occasionally - Fachowy Instalator; Instal Reporter; Kwartalnik Instalacje; Polski Instalator; Rynek Instalacyjny)
- information on selected press titles - desk research analysis (circulation)
- the most often listened to radio station
- cross tables of the above variables in terms of age, education of the respondent and the size of the company (number of employees)
Architecture and construction in social media 2021
The report contains data regarding coverage (number of fans / followers on Facebook and Instagram) of the most popular sites devoted to interior design, architecture and construction, including:
- 384 blogs concerning interior design and arrangement,
- 84 architectural websites present in social media,
- 92 construction websites present in social media,
- 34 construction magazines present in social media,
- 29 architectural magazines present in social media,
- 158 Facebook social groups concerning construction and architecture,
- 122 architecture and construction YouTube channels - New!
- 51 blogs and websites dedicated to gardening in social media - New!
The report also contains information on the dynamics of the increase in the number of followers (comparative data 2018, 2019 and 2020).
The report contains content analysis of the 15 most popular Instagram blogs on architecture and interior design (number of posts, average number of likes, most popular posts, most popular hashtags, most frequently marked brands).
Communication with roofers 2021
The report contains the following data:
Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Primary sources of information on building materials (open-ended question).
Use of Internet Resources by Roofers:
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Most commonly used device for browsing websites on the internet.
- Spontaneously mentioned industry-related portals.
- Usage of selected industry portals (dachy.info.pl; dekarz.com.pl; e-dach.pl; fachowydekarz.pl).
- Popularity of selected industry portals (monthly visit count - desk research analysis).
- Use of Facebook for professional purposes.
- Use of YouTube for professional purposes.
Other Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Reading selected titles of industry-specific magazines (Budujemy Dom; Fachowy Dekarz & Cieśla; Izolacje; Murator; Nasz Dekarz).
- Information about selected titles of industry-specific magazines (circulation - desk research analysis).
- Most frequently listened-to radio station.
These data points provide insights into how roofers gather information about building materials and their online and offline information consumption habits within the roofing industry.
Communication with contractors 2021 – general construction companies
The report presents data gathered through Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) from a sample of n=300 general construction firms engaged in both construction and finishing work. The data covers various aspects related to information sources on building materials and the utilization of internet resources and other means for these construction companies. Here's a breakdown of the included data:
Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Primary sources of information on building materials (open-ended question).
Use of Internet Resources by General Construction Firms:
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Most commonly used device for browsing websites on the internet.
- Types of phones owned and usage of industry-specific mobile applications.
- Usage of industry-specific online portals.
- Popularity of selected industry portals (monthly visit count - desk research analysis).
- Use of social media platforms.
- Use of YouTube, including watching videos related to construction work.
Other Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Reading industry-specific trade magazines.
- Information about selected titles of industry-specific magazines (circulation / sales - desk research analysis).
- Most frequently listened-to radio station.
- Participation in training sessions conducted by building material manufacturers.
- Evaluation of the usefulness of training sessions for construction firms.
- Preferred format for training sessions.
These data points provide valuable insights into how general construction firms access information about building materials, their online presence and preferences, and their engagement with training and educational opportunities in the construction industry.
Profile of interior designers 2020
The primary objective of the study was to gather essential information about interior designers that could be used in the promotion strategy for suppliers of finishing materials and interior furnishings. The study was conducted using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) technique with a sample size of n=400 interior designers in August 2020.
The report includes the following data:
Basic Characteristics of Interior Designers:
- Demographic and social profile (gender, age, education).
- Size of the design studio (number of designers, number of interior projects per year).
- Specialization of the design studio (residential/non-residential).
- Membership in industry organizations.
Mood of Interior Designers:
- Assessment of demand for interior design services.
- Assessment of demand for interior design services in 2020 in various segments.
Communication with Interior Designers:
- Primary sources of industry-related information.
- Usage of selected online industry portals.
- Readership of selected industry trade magazines (print or online).
This data provides valuable insights into the demographic and professional characteristics of interior designers, their sentiments regarding the demand for interior design services, and their preferred sources of industry-related information. This information can be used to tailor marketing and promotional strategies for suppliers of finishing materials and interior furnishings.
Communication with interior contractors 2020
The study was conducted on a sample of n=375 construction companies specializing in interior finishing work within buildings. The report includes the following data:
Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Primary sources of information on building materials (open-ended question, allowing respondents to indicate their top 3 sources).
Use of Internet Resources:
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Most commonly used device for browsing websites on the internet.
- Usage of industry-specific mobile applications.
- Visited industry-specific websites (open-ended question).
- Popularity of selected industry-specific websites - desk research analysis (number of visits in May 2020).
- Popularity of selected Facebook groups - desk research analysis (number of members in June 2020).
Other Sources of Information on Building Materials:
- Reading industry-specific trade magazines (open-ended question).
- Information about selected titles of industry-specific magazines - desk research analysis (circulation / paid distributions).
- Most frequently listened-to radio station.
- Cross-tabulation tables of the above variables based on respondent age, education, number of employees, and specialization.
These data points provide insights into how construction companies specializing in interior finishing obtain information about building materials, their internet and mobile app usage, preferred online platforms, and other sources of industry-related information. The appendix includes additional analyses by demographic and business-related variables. This information can inform marketing and communication strategies for suppliers of building materials.
Communication with architects 2020
The study was conducted on a representative sample of n=363 architects using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) technique. The report includes the following data:
Most Visited Industry-specific Websites:
- Open-ended question allowing respondents to list their top 3 answers.
Usage of Selected Industry-specific Websites:
- Specific websites mentioned by respondents (e.g., archdaily.com, archimania.pl, archinea.pl, architekci.pl, etc.).
Usage of Selected CAD/BIM Library Portals:
- Specific portals related to CAD/BIM mentioned by respondents (e.g., archispace.pl, bimobject.com, tuznajdziesz.pl).
4. Most Read Industry-specific Magazines:
- Open-ended question allowing respondents to list their top 3 answers.
5. Readership of Selected Architectural Magazines:
- Specific architectural magazines mentioned by respondents (e.g., ARCH, Architektura i Biznes, Architektura – Murator, etc.).
6. Readership of Selected Construction and Interior Design Magazines:
- Specific magazines related to construction and interior design mentioned by respondents (e.g., Builder, Cztery Kąty, Dobre Wnętrze, etc.).
The report includes comparisons with the results of two previous surveys of architects conducted in November 2017 and November 2018. It also provides insights into the preferences of members of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland (IA RP) and architects who are not members of IA RP. The data is further analyzed by gender, age of the architect, and the size of the architectural firm. This information is valuable for understanding architects' information consumption habits and can be used for targeted marketing and communication strategies.
Architecture and construction in social media 2020
The report contains data on the reach (number of fans/followers) of the most popular profiles on Facebook and Instagram social networking sites devoted to interior design, architecture and construction. In particular, the report includes information about:
- 327 blogs devoted to interior design and arrangement,
- 84 online architectural websites present in social media
- 80 online construction websites present in social media,
- 32 construction magazines present on social media,
- 29 architectural magazines present on social media,
- 137 social groups on Facebook related to construction and architecture.
The report also contains information on the growth dynamics of the number of followers (comparative data from 2018 and 2019).
Novelty! The report contains a content analysis of the 25 most popular blogs on Instagram, devoted to architecture and interior design (number of posts, average number of likes, most popular posts, most popular hashtags).
Communication with roofers 2020
The study was conducted in January 2020 using the CATI telephone interview technique on a sample of n=377 roofing companies.
The report contains the following data:
Sources of information about building materials
- basic sources of information about building materials
- attitudes towards obtaining information about building materials
Use of Internet resources by roofers
- frequency of Internet use
- the most frequently used device for browsing the Internet
- phone type you have (% smartphone)
- using selected industry portals (dachy.info.pl; dekarz.com.pl; e-dach.pl; specialistydekarz.pl)
Other sources of information for roofers
- readership of selected trade press titles (Budujemy Dom; Dachy; Fachowy Dekarz & Cieśla; Izolacje; Murator; Nasz Dekarz)
- most listened to radio station
Communication with contractors 2019 – general construction companies
The study was conducted in June 2019 using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique with a sample size of n=334 companies with a general construction profile, involved in both construction and finishing works.
The report includes the following data:
Sources of Information Regarding Building Materials
- Basic sources of information about building materials.
- Attitudes towards obtaining information about building materials.
Utilization of Internet Resources by General Construction Companies
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Most frequently used device for browsing websites on the internet.
- Type of phone owned and usage of industry-specific mobile applications.
- Usage of selected industry portals.
- Usage of social media platforms.
- Usage of YouTube, including watching videos related to construction work.
Other Sources of Information Regarding Building Materials
- Reading industry-specific trade publications.
- Most frequently listened to radio station.
- Participation in training provided by building materials manufacturers.
- Evaluation of the usefulness of manufacturer-provided training in the activities of construction companies.
- Most preferred form of training.
- Willingness to participate in online training sessions.
This information provides insights into how general construction companies access and utilize information related to building materials, as well as their preferences and attitudes towards various sources of information and training methods.
Attitudes of architects towards BIM 2019
The study was conducted in April 2019 using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique with a representative sample of 429 architects.
The report includes the following data:
Knowledge and Usage of BIM by Architects
- Awareness of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
- Implementation of BIM during the design process.
Attitudes Towards BIM Among Architects Who Use This Technology
- Number of projects completed using BIM in the last 12 months.
- Factors motivating architects to use BIM.
Attitudes Towards BIM Among Architects Who Do Not Use This Technology
- Barriers to implementing BIM in architectural projects.
- Plans for adopting BIM in the next 12 months.
- Cross-sections of selected variables based on demographic data.
- Sample structure.
The report also includes the results of previous surveys of architects regarding the adoption of BIM, conducted by BCMM in 2017 and 2018. This information provides insights into the awareness, adoption, and attitudes of architects towards BIM technology, as well as trends over time.
Architecture and construction in social media 2019
The report contains data related to the reach (number of fans/followers) of the most popular profiles on the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram dedicated to architecture and construction in six categories:
- 175 - Blogs on architecture and interior design.
- 64 - Architectural websites.
- 47 - Construction-related websites.
- 32 - Construction magazines.
- 24 - Architectural magazines.
- 61 - Facebook social groups related to construction and architecture.
The report also includes descriptions of the most popular profiles in each of the above categories, which have a combined total of more than 30,000 fans/followers on the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. These descriptions typically include information about the profile, the topics they cover, the brands they promote, and more. This data provides insights into the influence and engagement of popular social media profiles in the architecture and construction industry.
Architects – used sources of information 2018/2019
The study was conducted on a representative sample of n=375 architects using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique.
The report includes the following data:
- Most frequently visited industry-specific websites (open-ended question, with the option to provide 3 answers).
- Usage of selected industry-specific portals (archdaily.com; archimania.pl; archinea.pl; architekci.pl; architektura.info; architektura.muratorplus.pl; bryła.pl; infoarchitekta.pl; izbaarchitektow.pl; nowoczesnastodola.pl; ronet.pl; sarp.org.pl; sztuka-architektury.pl; warsztatarchitekta.pl; zawod-architekt.pl).
- Usage of selected portals with CAD/BIM libraries (archispace.pl; artcada.pl; bimobject.com; tuznajdziesz.pl).
- Most frequently read industry-specific magazines (open-ended question, with the option to provide 3 answers).
- Reading habits of selected architectural magazines (ARCH; Architektura i Biznes; Architektura – Murator; Design Alive; Zawód:Architekt).
- Reading habits of selected construction and interior design magazines (Builder; Cztery Kąty; Dobre Wnętrze; Dom i Wnętrze; Inżynier Budownictwa; Murator).
- Participation and preferences of architects regarding training organized by building materials manufacturers.
The report provides comparative data with results from previous surveys conducted in 2015-2017 for portal usage and 2012-2017 for magazine readership. The information in the report is also segmented for members of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland (IA RP) and architects who are not members of IA RP. Additionally, the report includes cross-sections of the data based on the architect's gender, age, and the size of their architectural firm. This data offers insights into the online and reading habits of architects, including trends over time and variations based on different factors.
Internet usage in the professional activity of contractors 2018
The study was conducted in October 2018 with a sample of n=302 general construction companies using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique.
The report includes the following data:
Internet Usage
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Most frequently used devices for browsing websites on the internet.
- Usage of social media platforms and YouTube (including watching videos related to the construction industry).
- Methods of promoting their own business online.
- Usage of smartphone applications for contractors.
Usage of Industry-specific Portals
- Visited construction-related websites.
- Usage of internet services for tenders and offers.
- Usage of internet services for information about construction service prices.
Online Purchase of Building Materials
This data provides insights into the internet habits and preferences of general construction companies, including their use of online platforms for various purposes, from promotion to procurement.
Attitudes of architects towards BIM 2018
The study was conducted in March 2018 on a representative sample of 401 architects using a combination of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) and Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) techniques.
The report includes the following data:
Knowledge and Usage of BIM by Architects
- Awareness of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
- Knowledge of levels of BIM implementation.
- Implementation of BIM during the design process.
Attitudes Towards BIM Among Architects Who Use This Technology
- Number of projects completed using BIM in the last 12 months.
- Level of BIM implementation in ongoing projects.
- Factors motivating architects to use BIM.
Attitudes Towards BIM Among Architects Who Do Not Use This Technology
- Barriers to implementing BIM in architectural projects.
- Plans for adopting BIM in the next 12 months.
- Cross-sections of selected variables based on demographic data.
- Sample structure.
The report provides insights into the awareness, adoption, and attitudes of architects towards BIM technology, as well as plans for its future implementation. The data is also segmented based on demographic information to offer a comprehensive view of the architectural community's stance on BIM.
Profile of a roofer 2018
The report is based on the results of quantitative marketing research conducted as part of the BCMM OMNIBUD research project using Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) method. The study was carried out in January and February 2018.
Research Sample: 400 owners/managers of roofing companies, nationally representative for roofers in Poland.
The report provides comparative data with the results of roofing surveys conducted by BCMM in the years 2012-2017. It includes the following information:
Market Situation Assessment
- Assessment of the market situation in 2017.
- Predictions for the market situation in 2018 (company's market position, prices of roofing materials, prices of roofing services, market demand, employment in the respondent's company).
Communication with Roofers
- Sources of industry-related information.
- Most frequently used source of industry-related information.
- Reading habits of roofing magazines (Dachy; Fachowy Dekarz & Cieśla; Nasz Dekarz).
- Reading habits of construction magazines (Forum Budowlane; Izolacje; Materiały Budowlane; Murator).
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Usage of industry-specific websites (dachy.info.pl; dachy.org; dekarz.com.pl; e-dach.pl; fachowydekarz.pl).
Profile of Roofing Companies
- Profile of the owner/manager (gender, age, education).
- Duration of the company's activity in the market.
- Company size in terms of employment.
- Structure of construction works carried out.
Additional Section - Use and Recommendation of Building Material Manufacturers by Roofers
Categories of building materials covered:
- Metal roof tiles.
- Ceramic and cement roof tiles.
- Roof windows.
- PVC gutters.
- Steel gutters.
Each category includes the following information:
- Manufacturers of installed products.
- Most frequently used manufacturer.
- Manufacturer recommendation rate, analyzed using the Net Promoter Score method (identifying promoters, passives, and critics of the brand).
Penetration data and NPS are presented in the report for all significant manufacturers in each category of building materials. This report provides valuable insights into the roofing industry in Poland, including market trends, communication preferences, and the profile of roofing companies and their use of building materials.
Architecture and construction in social media 2018
The report provides data on the reach (number of fans/followers on Facebook and Instagram) of the most popular pages dedicated to architecture and construction, including:
- 113 blogs on architecture and interior design (e.g., Loving It, Marideko, Scraperka, Twoje DIY, Bajkowe Wnętrza).
- 18 architectural magazines present on social media (e.g., Cztery Kąty, Dobre Wnętrze, Architektura).
- 29 construction magazines present on social media (e.g., Ładny Dom, Murator, Budujemy Dom).
- 29 online industry websites present on social media (e.g., Homebook, Wnętrza ze smakiem, Nowoczesna Stodoła).
The report also includes descriptions of the most popular profiles in each of the above categories, with a total of more than 25,000 fans/followers on Facebook and Instagram. These profiles cover various topics and may promote different brands and themes related to architecture and construction.
Architects – used sources of information 2017
The report is based on a survey conducted with a representative sample of 372 architects using the CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview) method. It contains the following data:
- Most frequently visited industry websites (open-ended question, with the option to select 3 answers).
- Usage of selected industry portals (archdaily.com, archimania.pl, archinea.pl, architekci.pl, architektura.info, architektura.muratorplus.pl, bryła.pl, infoarchitekta.pl, izbaarchitektow.pl, ronet.pl, sarp.org.pl, sztuka-architektury.pl, warsztatarchitekta.pl, zawod-architekt.pl).
- Most frequently read industry magazines (open-ended question, with the option to select 3 answers).
- Readership of selected architectural magazines (ARCH, Architektura i Biznes, Architektura – Murator, Design Alive, Zawód:Architekt).
- Readership of selected construction magazines (Builder, Forum Budowlane, Inżynier Budownictwa, Murator, Materiały Budowlane, Przegląd Budowlany).
- Readership of selected interior design magazines (Cztery Kąty, Dobre Wnętrze, Dom i Wnętrze, Elle Decoration, Ładny Dom, M jak Mieszkanie, Moje Mieszkanie, Weranda).
The report provides a comparison of portal usage data with results from surveys conducted in 2015-2016 and readership data with information from 2012-2016. Additionally, the report presents data segmented by gender and age of the architects and includes information about both members of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland (IA RP) and architects who are not members.
Communication with the contractors 2017 – general construction companies
The study was conducted using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique with a sample size of n=300 general construction companies that engage in both construction and finishing works.
The report includes the following data:
Communication with general construction company management:
- Sources of information regarding building materials.
- Frequency of Internet usage.
- Most commonly used device for browsing the Internet.
- Objectives of visiting websites of building material manufacturers.
- Use of social media platforms.
- Type of phone owned and usage of industry-specific mobile applications.
- Readership of selected construction magazines.
- Readership of selected interior design magazines.
- Most frequently listened-to radio station during the commute to and from work.
Participation in industry-specific training:
- Participation in training sessions organized by building material manufacturers in the past 12 months.
- Evaluation of the usefulness of training in the activities of construction companies.
- Preferred format for training.
- Willingness to participate in online training sessions.
The report provides insights into the communication habits and preferences of general construction companies, including their sources of information, Internet usage, and participation in industry-related training.
Attitudes of architects towards BIM and expectations towards technical consultancy services from manufacturers of building materials
The study was conducted in March 2017 with a representative sample of 400 architects using Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) and online surveys (CAWI).
The report contains the following data:
Architects' attitudes toward BIM (Building Information Modeling):
- Adoption of BIM in architectural design.
- Number of projects completed using BIM in the past 12 months.
- Factors influencing architects to use BIM.
- Plans for BIM implementation in the next 12 months.
- Barriers to BIM design.
Expectations regarding interactions with technical advisors from building material manufacturers:
- Expected working hours of technical advisors and architects.
- Frequency of architects' contact with technical advisors.
- Preferred methods of communication with technical advisors.
- Acceptable response time for technical inquiries directed to advisors.
- Information-seeking behavior on building material manufacturer websites before contacting a technical advisor.
Expectations regarding support provided by building material manufacturers to architects in their work:
- Current utilization and interest in standard forms of support (product catalogs, 3D drawings, CAD libraries, solution catalogs, product samples, project photos, technical specifications, newsletters).
- Current utilization and interest in active forms of support (project optimization, product selection, presentations, legal advice, assistance with visualizations, participation in loyalty programs).
The report also includes data breakdowns by gender, age, office size, office specialization, and membership in the Chamber of Architects.
Consumer behaviour in Poland – interior renovations market
The study was conducted in January 2017 through online surveys (CAWI) on a sample of 900 individuals who carried out interior renovation work in 2016 and made decisions about the choice of building materials for those renovations.
The report includes the following data:
Basic Section:
Scope of renovation work carried out in 2016:
- Detailed scope of renovation work in 2016.
- Reasons for conducting the renovation of the apartment in 2016.
- Expenses allocated to the renovation carried out in 2016.
- Renovation plans for 2017.
Method of performing renovation work:
- Renovation work performed in-house and by contractors.
- Reasons for self-performing the renovation.
- Criteria for selecting a contractor.
- Utilization of interior designers and their influence on the choice of building material brands.
- Importance of price in selecting building materials.
Communication with investors:
- Investors' activity in seeking information about building materials.
- Sources of information about building materials.
- Readership of industry magazines.
Additional Section:
- Decision-maker for purchasing paint.
- Places of paint purchase.
- Brands of paint used.
- Key factors in choosing paint.
- Recommendation of paint brands by contractors.
- Influence of interior designers on the choice of paint brands.
- Sources of information about painting (for investors performing work in-house).
- Communication with painters (sources of information about building materials, readership of industry magazines).
Wall/Floor Tile Installation:
- Decision-maker for purchasing tiles.
- Places of tile purchase.
- Brands of tiles used.
- Key factors in choosing tiles.
- Recommendation of tile brands by contractors.
- Influence of interior designers on the choice of tile brands.
- Sources of information about tile installation (for investors performing work in-house).
- Communication with investors buying tiles (sources of information about building materials, readership of industry magazines).
Floor Panel Installation:
- Decision-maker for purchasing panels.
- Places of panel purchase.
- Brands of panels used.
- Key factors in choosing panels.
- Recommendation of panel brands by contractors.
- Influence of interior designers on the choice of panel brands.
- Sources of information about panel installation (for investors performing work in-house).
- Communication with buyers of panels (sources of information about building materials, readership of industry magazines).
Wooden Floor Installation:
- Decision-maker for purchasing wooden flooring.
- Places of wooden floor purchase.
- Brands of wooden flooring used.
- Key factors in choosing wooden flooring.
- Recommendation of wooden flooring brands by contractors.
- Influence of interior designers on the choice of wooden flooring brands.
- Sources of information about wooden floor installation (for investors performing work in-house).
- Communication with buyers of wooden flooring (sources of information about building materials, readership of industry magazines).
Sanitary Ceramic Installation:
- Decision-maker for purchasing sanitary ceramics.
- Places of sanitary ceramic purchase.
- Brands of sanitary ceramics installed.
- Factors influencing the choice of sanitary ceramics.
- Recommendation of sanitary ceramic brands by contractors.
- Influence of interior architects on the choice of sanitary ceramic brands.
- Sources of information about sanitary ceramic installation (for investors performing work in-house).
- Communication with buyers of sanitary ceramics (sources of information about building materials, readership of industry magazines).
Profile of a roofer 2017
The report is based on quantitative marketing research conducted as part of the BCMM OMNIBUD project using computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) in January 2017. The research sample consisted of 382 owners or managers of roofing companies, representing the roofing industry in Poland. The report provides a comparative analysis of the findings with research conducted among roofers by BCMM in the years 2012-2016.
Basic Section:
Market Situation Assessment:
- Assessment of the market situation in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- Predictions regarding the market situation in 2017 compared to predictions made in previous years (company's position in the market, prices of roofing materials, prices of roofing services, market demand, employment in the respondent's company).
Communication with Roofers
- Sources of industry-related information.
- Most frequently used sources of industry-related information.
- Readership of roofing magazines (Dachy; Fachowy Dekarz & Cieśla; Nasz Dekarz; Warstwy – Dachy i Ściany).
- Readership of construction magazines (Forum Budowlane; Izolacje; Materiały Budowlane; Murator).
- Frequency of internet usage.
- Utilized industry-specific websites (dachy.info.pl; dachy.org; dekarz.com.pl; e-dach.pl; fachowydekarz.pl).
Profile of Roofing Companies:
- Profile of owners/managers (gender, age, education).
- Duration of the company's presence in the market.
- Company size in terms of employment.
- Types of construction work carried out.
Additional Section - Use and Recommendation of Building Material Manufacturers by Roofers:
Metal Roof Tiles:
- Manufacturers used in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- Most frequently used manufacturer in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- Net Promoter Score (NPS) analysis for manufacturers in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Ceramic and Cement Roof Tiles:
- Manufacturers used in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- Most frequently used manufacturer in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Bitumen Shingles/Roof Tiles:
- Manufacturers used in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- Most frequently used manufacturer in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Roof Windows:
- Manufacturers used.
- Most frequently used manufacturer.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers.
Mineral Wool Insulation:
- Manufacturers used.
- Most frequently used manufacturer.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers.
PVC Gutters:
- Manufacturers used.
- Most frequently used manufacturer.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers.
Steel Gutters:
- Manufacturers used in 2016.
- Most frequently used manufacturer in 2016.
- NPS analysis for manufacturers in 2016.
The report includes brand-specific data for the mentioned product categories and covers multiple years to provide a comprehensive overview of the roofing industry.